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Mother's Day Series....

Me and my mommy, Yes, our love for one another has been constant and sure, throughout the years. I am truly blessed to have her as my mom. I love my mom with all my heart. In this photo, I just graduated from college and I remember when my mom sent me away to school in Atlanta years ago. I was afraid of the unknown, but excited about coming to Atlanta to go to school. But most of all, I am so close to my mom that missing her would be quite foreign to me.

So it was the last couple of hours until she was headed back home after getting me settled in my dorm. I could feel my heart dropped to my knees, as the time became minutes, until she returned back home. This moment change my life forever. It was time for me to grow up BIG TIME, and even though, it was really hard to be without her everyday, I became much stronger and better than I was before. I am so glad that my mom released me to go away to school in another state because watching how she triumphed through our life's hardest times, school for me, away from her was a breeze within a long period of time, LOL!!

So, here we were together after my graduation. It was like my mom graduated with me. We did it! This season was an exhale moment for us both. Mom, thank you for who you are, not just this weekend, but who you are 365 days a year and Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!

Author, Sophia Esquivel aka LION

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