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See Yourself Through God's Eyes...

See yourself through God's eyes. Isn't the view much better from here, so take a deep breathe. God gives us visions, dreams, His people and our own personal time spent with Him to convey His plans for us. And 100 percent of the time, His plans for us are so BIG and so VAST that we think in our own little minds that its impossible. But when you take off our own lens of limitation, fear, and doubt and put God's lens of hope and possibility, keep it on. The plans He has for us are possible, so I urge to agree with God about your life and what He has given you to do and be as a gift to this world. Remember, He gave us Himself as God our Father, the Holy Spirit, who leads and guides us and Jesus Christ, as our example. So it doesn't matter how Big and how Vast His plans are for us, we are never alone while making those dreams and visions come to life.

Author, Sophia Esquivel aka LION

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